Useful NSW Roads & Maritime Services Links:

Getting your Learner Licence
Practice Driver Knowledge Test
Road Rules
Driver Knowledge Test (DKT)
Tips from the Testing Officers
Geared -Young Driver website
Provisional P1 Licence
Provisional P2 Licence
Full Licence

Lessons may be booked by ringing

0423 496 300

Please leave a message if we are busy when you ring and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Also, stating you Name, Town and best contact number is helpful.

Check out the new NSWDTA (Driver Training Association) website.

The Graduated Licensing Scheme operates basically as follows:

The changes are fully displayed on the RMS Centre for Road Safety website

Geared4Success Driving School continues to meet the challenge of helping to develop learner driver skills and attitude to produce safe P-Plate drivers. 

We are now working with High Schools in the local area along with facilitating and coaching in the PCYC Safer Drivers Course.

Also we are accredited to assess older drivers. This involves working closely with the TransportforNSW to deliver coaching and assessment for older drivers.

A handy guide for parents of P-Plate drivers and P-Plate drivers themselves on road safety issues that could arise in the first 6 months of driving is to be found on this useful website Safer P Platers

Safer Drivers Course


A Safer Drivers Course (SDC) will be conducted at the PCYC in Young NSW on:-

*SATURDAY 15 FEBRUARY 2025 starting @ 9:00 AM*

To make a booking with PCYC NSW for the Safer Drivers Course please visit:-

How does knocking 40 hours* off your compulsory 120 logbook hour’s sound? Good? Well with the introduction of the Safer Drivers Course for learner drivers it’s possible. *That's 20 hours Safer Drivers Course + 20 hours from Driver Training lessons.

This link will provide more info on the Safer Drivers Course for young learner drivers in NSW


About the Geared4Success Driver Training Program

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